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Harmony for Humanity

The purpose of this blog was to keep students, their families, and my friends aware of what is going on in my professional life. As I begin my retirement, the purpose will change.

My Photo
Location: Marietta, Georgia, United States

I grew up in a wonderful town, Harvey, Illinois and had wonderful music teachers; I attended a number of universities, but DePauw and Loyola had the most impact on me. I enjoy finding old friends from New Orleans now, especially after H. Katrina.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Check out the Marietta Daily Journal; remembering Junalee Populus

Our "Winter Wonderland" program has been advertised in the Education section of the MDJ. Now we really have to practice! On a sad note, I found out that a blessed friend and teaching colleague from New Orleans, Junalee Populus, has passed away in her post-Katrina home in Houston, TX. June was a real friend and mentor to me and countless others in the New Orleans public schools during the 1980s and 1990s. She is survived by her beloved husband, Billy Rose, her son, Delbert Rose. and the countless numbers of students who were taught by her. I particularly remember her planning of our school's Mardi Gras balls, and her special obbligato to "Silent Night" that the chorus sang each year. Many blessings and prayers to you, "Lady P".


Blogger Dina said...

Shalom Dr. Mooney. Glad you somehow "got to" the JHDP blog. I enjoyed your comment a lot.
Mazal tov on your recent bar mitsvah! That is wonderful.
Sorry about Lady P. We say "May her memory be a blessing," but from what you write, it already is.
Enjoy your crisp weather. We are still in the high 60s.

9:51 AM  

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