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Harmony for Humanity

The purpose of this blog was to keep students, their families, and my friends aware of what is going on in my professional life. As I begin my retirement, the purpose will change.

My Photo
Location: Marietta, Georgia, United States

I grew up in a wonderful town, Harvey, Illinois and had wonderful music teachers; I attended a number of universities, but DePauw and Loyola had the most impact on me. I enjoy finding old friends from New Orleans now, especially after H. Katrina.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Farewell, Seniors!

Our Spring Concert continued to show our growth as responsible, maturing musicians and teamplayers. Reflecting my quote at the beginning of the concert, "if this isn't the life that we expected, then we might as well dance with all our heart", all the selections and presentations went as planned...and THEN some. Many thanks to Jacqui, Kahlil, Citlaly and Mistress of Direction Katie for their wonderfully "creative" tableau during "Rosin Eating Zombies from Outer Space"! Mr. Jeff Macko always adds his percussion flourishes to make the evening perfect. And I am very grateful that Ms. Cicco and Mr. Mosher did not burn down the PAC with my suprise Birthday cake! I think the 90 candles were a BIT much. Now is the time of turning in things, taking instruments home, and final exams. Don't forget summer music making opportunities found on our website. And 9th/Intermediate Orchestras, thanks for a great "Tropical Serenade" and Advanced Orchestra, muchos gracias for their awesome performance of "Capriccio Espaniol" with Malcolm's solo! I especially want to thank Mr. Jones and Mr. Faulkner for their expertise in preparing the Theater, and our principal, Mrs. Constantino, for her enthusiastic reception of your performances.


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