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Harmony for Humanity

The purpose of this blog was to keep students, their families, and my friends aware of what is going on in my professional life. As I begin my retirement, the purpose will change.

My Photo
Location: Marietta, Georgia, United States

I grew up in a wonderful town, Harvey, Illinois and had wonderful music teachers; I attended a number of universities, but DePauw and Loyola had the most impact on me. I enjoy finding old friends from New Orleans now, especially after H. Katrina.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

You finally have a NBCT Teacher

After three long years of workshops, writing and rewriting, video after video, and preparing four entries as well as taking six written assessment exams, I finally achieved National Board Certified Teacher status on Friday. I was very afraid to check the website on my computer, but after finishing with our wonderful Ninth Grade Orchestra class, I pressed the key and up popped the word "Congratulations"! I SINCERELY apoligize to the 9th graders for performing the "happy dance" in their presence and kissing the statue of Johann Sebastian Bach! I am now certified for the next ten years (and honestly, I probably won't be teaching when I have to renew) and can now offer help to other educators who begin this arduous process. Many thanks to Mrs. Jan Bernard at Bullard Elem. School who started me out three years ago with my Knowledgable Teacher workshop and helped me every time I didn't do something correctly. As your children talk about the "Learning Walks" that are happening all over our school as well as Cobb County schools, know that the knowledge I received is making them perform as shining stars of educational reform. As we ALL know, the performing arts illustrate learning at its very best. I look forward to seeing you all at the Dec. 6th Winter Concert in the PAC. Rumor has it that Santa is passing over us for a quick visit, and Hannukah Harry is driving the sleigh! A reception will follow in the Academic Wing hallway after all groups have performed. And let me also thank Mrs. Ledford for her help with the Fall fundraiser.


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