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Harmony for Humanity

The purpose of this blog was to keep students, their families, and my friends aware of what is going on in my professional life. As I begin my retirement, the purpose will change.

My Photo
Location: Marietta, Georgia, United States

I grew up in a wonderful town, Harvey, Illinois and had wonderful music teachers; I attended a number of universities, but DePauw and Loyola had the most impact on me. I enjoy finding old friends from New Orleans now, especially after H. Katrina.

Friday, July 20, 2007

A Soggy Finale

Thanks to all my students and their families who helped make our Summer No Concert Concert a success. Mrs. Constantino's husband was there and is a former band director; he thought you all did a wonderful job and asked me to pass that along to you. The humidity AND the attention spans were high, and I appreciate that. Now, get ready for some changes in our curriculum when school starts (relax, it's not too bad). All will be explained! For now, get your rest and get ready for a wonderful 2007-2009 school year. I hope you get a chance (after you've read the LAST Harry Potter book!) to see the movie "A Mighty Heart"; Daniel Pearl's life will be discussed at great length in class this year.


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