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Harmony for Humanity

The purpose of this blog was to keep students, their families, and my friends aware of what is going on in my professional life. As I begin my retirement, the purpose will change.

My Photo
Location: Marietta, Georgia, United States

I grew up in a wonderful town, Harvey, Illinois and had wonderful music teachers; I attended a number of universities, but DePauw and Loyola had the most impact on me. I enjoy finding old friends from New Orleans now, especially after H. Katrina.

Friday, May 22, 2009

A Real Blast from the Past

As I finish grading all of my student's finals for the school year, I thought it would be nice to share an experience from Saturday past. My phone rang and I heard the voice of my favorite HS chorus teacher for the first time in over 25 years! Karen French Fruits is still teaching in her hometown of Waynetown, Indiana. I found out about her through her brother Rex on Facebook. If it hadn't been for her care and concern for me my senior year, I might not have attended DePauw University with a very nice scholarship. She took it upon herself to drive me and Ina Carlin to the audtions on a weekend in January, putting us up at her parent's home in Waynetown (they are still both alive and doing well in their 90s!) the night before and making sure we had a wonderful weekend. The thing I remember most about the audition was that almost all the entire music faculty was there to hear me play my flute. That hadn't happened elsewhere. So, Karen, "here's to you" with all my gratitude.


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